
Archive for the ‘Random’ Category

Because I Occasionally Blog about My Health Too…

I’ve previously written about having carpal tunnel. This summer, I did some physical therapy, and for a while, it seemed to help. And then it didn’t. I went from feeling sort of normal to again having tingling, numbness, and stiffness in my hands. So, my therapist sent me back to the doctor, and my new diagnosis is stretched ulnar nerves–a problem similar in symptoms to carpal tunnel, except it’s caused by the stretching of the ulnar nerve in the elbow, which runs along the funny bone. I had some more nerve conduction tests done, and according to the tests, there’s nothing wrong with me. Except I know that there is, because my arms feel weak and numb all of the time. I could have surgery, but my doctor doesn’t feel good about that option, because other than my descriptions of my symptoms, there’s nothing that actually proves that this is my problem.

So, at the suggestion of a co-worker, I’m taking malic acid and magnesium supplements. I’m not usually big on vitamins. A friend’s mother, a dietician, calls them “expensive pee” because most people don’t need them, so their bodies just end up flushing them. And I’ve always lumped vitamin supplements in with other woo-woo remedies that don’t have double blind, replicable studies done by professionals supporting them. But I’m kind of at the point where I don’t know what else to do.

At least this problem isn’t affecting my ability to work, but it would be really nice to have some extra strength in my arms once I get out of work so that I can do things like write my own stuff or take up some of my other hobbies again like making beaded jewelry or learn how to play the guitar or actually go out with people. Sigh… I know a lot of people have problems that are much, much more serious than mine. There are people with life-threatening illnesses that have no cure. There are people who don’t have health insurance and can’t even see doctors about their problems. (As much as I wish the Affordable Care Act were more comprehensive and had a public option, I am so grateful for being able to stay on my parents’ insurance until I’m twenty-six. I’m not sure what I would have done without it, because if it weren’t for the ACA, I wouldn’t be insured right now.) I know there are a lot of things right now about my life that could be worse,  but that doesn’t make this issue any less frustrating.

Some Silly Search Terms

I was looking at my site stats today and was quite amused by some of the search terms that have brought people to this blog. Some of the more ridiculous ones include:

1.) Impenetrable Pussies–Sounds like the title of a bad porno movie. Or an edgy, sex positive, radical feminist blog. But probably a bad porno.

2.) Homosocial Premise–Makes me think of a band name.

3.) Poststructuralism Fog–Also makes me think of a band name, possibly a band started by a group of English department professors.

4.) Jack Halberstam Sucks–No. No, she does not.

5.) Fog Stereotype–Also sounds like a band name

And, my favorite:

6.) Purple Jack Skellington Christmas Tree–I want one!

Seriously, though, it looks like most of the search terms that lead people here involve the name of a television show or pop culture icon with “critical theory” added to it. Either I’m attracting a lot of geeks like myself who want to read critical analyses of pop culture or a bunch of confused college freshmen. Either way, I’ll take it. 🙂